I found my card reader. Here is a current photo. Emmeline LOVES playing the piano!
The last month has gone by in a complete blur at our house and Emmeline went along for the ride like a 6th child champ. I've lost track of the number of times we visited the doctor or dentist in this time, but it was a lot. So, in looking back, I'm going to have to stop and reflect for a moment to try and remember what this little kiddo has done these past few weeks because almost all I can remember is endless laundry, vacuuming, medical visits, medications, and cleaning. Emmeline has really just taken her family life in stride and become an involved member. I can see babyhood starting to slip away like the fat shedding from her thighs and belly. She is such a cute little thing! Emmeline is holding firm at 17 pounds. She doesn't stop moving long enough to gain any weight. It's just go go go! She can stand on her own, but she doesn't believe it yet. But, I have seen and I believe. She loves to walk holding on to our hands but falls to her knees if we let go. So, crawling is still her preferred mode of non-parental transport.
The biggest development this last month has been Emmeline's vocabulary. She loves to talk and mimic what we say. She has said up, happy, Mama, Dada, baba, brother, Clara, Audrey, bye bye, and hi. She claps and waves constantly and blows kisses and gives kisses. But her kisses are only for me and they are nice and juicy. Mmm, yummy- baby slobber! She has also discovered the wonder of her own hair, which is 5-6 inches long now, and really fun for her to twirl while nursing.
Emmeline is the mini ruler of our house. When the big kids come home, she is the first one they want to see. I might as well be a mushy dog gift in the grass for all the attention I get. But, that's okay. I don't blame them, and I probably do the same thing. I can't help it! She 's so cute! It's impossible not to love this baby.
She is working on using utensils. Right now they are really fun to hold and wiggle and throw overboard. She is also hoping that I will give up my quest to keep her out of the toilet. I've never had a kid play in the toilet before, so I needed one to help me learn patience in that area.
Emmeline is a couple of weeks old in this photo. |
This is mere hours before Emmeline was born. I was in labor and standing in front of the awesome tub where she was born. It's a big jacuzzi tub with sand underneath that makes the tub floor soft and squishy. It's so deep I was able to deliver on my hands and knees like I prefer. |
Every kid needs a funny bath picture posted on the internet. |
I wish I could post some photos, but my house ( with the help of an un-named 10 year old) ate my card reader and my camera won't transfer pictures, so I'll have to use old photos this month.
I love your phrase "mushy dog gift"! Such a sweet little girl she is. Growing so fast!