Thursday, September 27, 2012

Clara: Episode 5

I think this is the funniest set of Clara-isms yet.

1. I made homemade chicken noodle soup the other night. Clara has decided that she loathes chicken, unless it comes from Chick-fil-A.  (But, that's a secret).  So she was thrilled when I served her bowl of soup before adding the chicken.  She was so thrilled that stopped in her tracks, held her hand together near her chest, and then ran over to my side hugging me.  "Oh Mommy!  I am 100% sure that I will never regret living in this family with such a good Mommy!"

2. The kids were playing a game with some homemade cards that have pictures of our family on them. They had devised some system where they would decide the fate of the person on the card before turning it over.  The planned action didn't happen, but it made the kids laugh.  Before one turn they decided that the next person flipped over had to have their arm amputated.  They turned over the card and it was a picture of me. Clara screamed, "No!  Not Mommy!  She already got her mouth amputated!"

3. This one is actually something funny that Audrey (5) said, but she said it to Clara.

Clara:   Did you know that Jesus' name is really Jehovah?
Audrey: His name is not Jevolvah!
Clara: yes, it is. It was his old name, and then he changed it to Jesus.
Audrey: I'd change my name to Jesus too if My name was Jevolvah.

4.During Church on Sunday while I was recuperating - 

Clara, jumping up and down on the bench. Clara, climbing all over people during the sacrament, almost bumping the tray to the floor. Clara, climbing under the benches.

Daddy: Clara, you are behaving the worst you have behaved in forever. Now sit down, and think about Jesus.
Clara: (Loud enough for everyone to hear in the chapel) Daddy, I AM thinking about Jesus. I'm Jesus' Cat
Daddy: You are NOT going to be Jesus' cat during the meeting. Sit down now.
Clara: (crawling into the isle, being sacrilegious) My name is Christ. Christ the cat. Sister Bell can call me Christ, Jesus' Cat!

5. And finally, at dinner tonight, Clara admitted to writing a love letter to a boy at school. She has loved him since Kindergarten.  He went to a different school for 1st grade and came back to her school this year.  At first she loved him because he used blue scissors and because he was so handsome.  Now it has evolved further.  I confiscated the note and told her that it is inappropriate to give to him and she can write him a note complimenting him but not professing love. Here is her letter:

Dear ________,
For some time now I have loved you.  I egmiyered ( admired) you for such a long time.  I like the way you shine like a flower.  You are so hansom (handsome)  Sine- Your secret egmiyer.  

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