Wednesday, April 13, 2016

I'm too busy and stressed out, so I think I'll be PTA President

If I weren't me, I would think I was full on crazy.  As it is, I know that I am only a little bit crazy.  In a blog post in January, I opened up and shared the struggles I've been having for the last 7 months or so with anxiety and chronic pain.  Not knowing these things were coming, last Spring I felt prompted to take a year off from intense PTA service, just helping here and there as I've been able.

So, what changed?  Strangely, nothing has changed.

Well, that's not true.  One thing has changed. The answer to the question changed. Last year when I prayed and pondered about being on the PTA board, the answer was clearly "No".  This year, when I prayed about the idea of being PTA President, the answer is yes.

I'm still plagued with random anxiety.  I still wake up almost every day with a sense of dread.  I still experience scattered episodes of heart pounding, muscles tensing, and irrational feelings.  But, I don't feel it all the time and I know it passes.  I still don't know why I have so much pain in my foot. . . both feet now.  I don't know if it's muscular or neurological.  I have started to be aggressive in trying to figure it out and I'm hopeful to find some answers in the next few months.  Since I fell down a few steps last week and sprained my "good" ankle, I will be going to PT soon for both feet. And I get to see a neurologist on Friday. Hopefully some really painful nerve testing is in my future. I'm ready to face whatever the answers may be.
Anyway, so why would a person experiencing these trials, with 6 very busy kids, decide to be PTA President?

People get answers to prayers in different ways. Some people hear spoken words, some find answers in scriptures or words from a person, feelings, or thoughts in their minds. However they come, they are accompanied by a confirmation from the Holy Ghost. They bring peace, a lasting peace, and an ability to move forward with faith, acting on the prompting or answer.  For me, when the answer was no, I felt a stupor of thought.  It was like a mental wall that would not allow me to even consider the possibility of serving on the PTA Board.  When the answer was yes, it was like a seed had been planted in my mind and heart and it was growing like crazy. I couldn't stop thinking about it, and ideas just started flooding my brain. I also felt the warm tingly feeling in my heart when I prayed about   So, I'm supposed to be PTA President. Wow!

I am really excited to do this! And my friends and family have my back, so I know I won't be alone.  One of the things that we do at our school is pick a theme for the PTA for each year.  Many PTAS have a fundraising theme, something cute to encourage parents to join the PTA. But, we take it one step further by having a theme that we use throughout the year.  The school joins along in using and implementing the theme.  It's kind of a big deal.  In the past we've had themes such as:

Heroes ( Super Hero Fox)
Team Fox Hills
Shoot For the Stars (May the Fox Be With You - Jedi Fox)
Building a World of Education ( minecraft and lego)
Unless ( From the Lorax, Unless someone like you cares a whole lot, nothing's going to change, it's not)  We did Dr. Seuss stuff all year

So, it's my turn to pick a theme.  Our school is Fox Hills.  I'm going with . . . . .imagine a very awesome drumroll right now. . . . . . . . . . .

F. O. X.

This stands for Focus on Excellence.

This theme has a two-fold meaning for me.  The first is to encourage the children to focus on their talents rather than dwelling on their weaknesses.  Every person ever born has something special about him/her, one or more talents that should be discovered, developed, and celebrated.  While it's important to be aware of our weaknesses and to work on them, I want to focus on the kids' strengths and potential.  I want them to focus on their strengths- and to focus on the strengths of others as well. That leads into the second component of what this theme means for me.  When we look for talents in ourselves and others, it is easier to let go of the natural inclination to be competitive.  While there is a time for competition, most of the time, in real life, is not the time to compete, but a time to work together. At a meeting a few months ago, my friend Jennette Booth, said something in a way that really touched me.  It was about serving in the church, but it applies in life.  She said that when we come together we bring our weaknesses and our strengths.  We may be strong where our friend is weak, and our friend may be strong where we are weak.  Our weaknesses can be likened to gaps.  When we come together, work together, and help each other, we fill each other's gaps. This fusion of friendship creates something unique that we couldn't do alone.  Our talents combine and strengthen not only each other, but the group as a whole, and we are stronger than the sum of our parts.

I am counting on FOX to get me through being PTA President.  I'm counting on a lot of parents volunteering and bringing their strengths to the table.  I'm counting on my kids stepping up and filling in some the gaps to help me out. I know my husband will help. He's already volunteered to be Reflections Chair! It's going to be a wild ride, but I know I'm supposed to do it. So, even though I announced this on facebook on April Fool's Day, it's not a joke.  I'm really going to be PTA President next year!  I plan to get a lot of volunteers by using my "Texas" smile when I ask for help.

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