Okay, so I haven't blogged since I got my braces on. I guess there are a few reasons:
1. Braces are awesome. Seriously, I'm having a wicked hard time adjusting to them, probably worse than any grown up you have ever known to get braces. It's been something like 8 weeks and I still can't chew anything harder than a banana. I had lettuce today. That was huge!
2. School started. Homework started. Someone kill me please.
3. I went to Texas for a week, so the week before and the week after were pretty busy too.
4. My kids school has Reflections and Science Fair getting worked on at the same time! This is a really bad idea, and if you are ever a powerful school official, learn from this and swear on all that you value to never NEVER NEVER have them both at the same time.
The kids turned in Reflections today, and after 4 hours of typical Monday morning cleaning, I felt Audrey's head, after listening to her complain for a couple of days about a sore throat, and, whoops, it was hot. 101.7 to be exact. Dang! So, before we head off to the Dr. for a strep test, I have about 15 minutes to complain about my life, and I intend to do it wholeheartedly and with a complete lack of seriousness. My kids turned in 11 entries today. That is a LOT OF WORK. Don't imitate it unless you are a professional idiot. We've been working feverishly for a few weeks now, every spare minute between soccer, voice, choir, scouts, activity days, family nights, and homework, to help them complete their projects. And I'm so glad it's over. At least, sort of over. I'm kind of in charge of the next level- Council. Which means it is only over for the kids, and it probably is mostly over for them because most of their projects are NOTHING SPECIAL. Don't tell them I wrote that! Seriously, some of their entries are darling and others belong in the dumpster, but they had fun, well mostly had fun, creating them. There might have been some threats involved. And all the while they busily worked on their science fair projects that are due in 9 days, complete with log books, research, and amazing display boards (we have plenty of time to get those done! :) ha!)
It was a big relief to take them to school and turn those entries in, lovingly placing them in my very own Rubbermaid tote permanently labeled "Reflections Entries" that I have loaned to the school for the last few years to collect entries. And then it was mildly annoying when the librarian, who was collecting them, told me my kids were missing " the paper". Okay, maybe more than mild annoyance bubbled in my chest. She meant the entry form, and didn't believe me when I told her that my kids forms, in their manila envelopes containing photos and picture cds with sheet protectors, taped on with masking tape, housing the 3 forms necessary for entry, were the right papers etc. She wanted to argue with me. Normally I'm very patient and kind, but I just told her I was not only on the Reflections committee at the school, but I was also in charge of the next level up and I was very certain that my children had their entries in order, and those other kids had filled them out wrong and would have to fix them should they win. She pretty much just stared at me, but still had enough spunk to argue with me when I asked for the blue tub to turn in their entries. It's aqua. You know, the one that belongs to me. She said, "What? Do you mean the green tub?" "Sure, the green one. Thank you. See you back at home you lovely blue green tub. Don't mess with me today lady!" Okay, I didn't say that last part, but the little evil demon in me wanted to come out, after spending every spare waking moment for WEEKS AND WEEKS helping my kids, it was just too much for someone to infer that their forms were not in order. Especially since she was wrong. The PTA president had just asked me to clarify a rule because I think she has picked up on me knowing these things because my kids do so many entries each year and once Amy even advanced to Nationals. Okay, I'm done being a psycho Reflections mom. I can't be a rabid soccer or football mom because I don't care about those things. I'd like to stop being a psycho Reflections mom. I wonder if they have meetings for this? My husband already faced my wrath and was actually hung up on this week for saying that I thought Monday was close on a Wednesday and for worrying when I misplaced all 33 forms that needed to be turned in. He didn't know not to mock me that day, in which I had spent 5 hours taking my mom to the doctor, mixed with lunch, and losing my credit cards and ID and almost running out of gas with no way to buy any more. Poor man. Anyway, I seriously feel the biggest sense of relief ever. I might even enjoy the rest of my day, doctor and all, not having those projects looming over me, and looking forward to dinner out for Tim's 11th birthday. And I'll reflect on how lucky I am to have these great kids with their wacky, creative minds, and their sweet hearts. Like Clara, who shares her neck pillow with Grandma who really needs it and with Audrey to keep the scary movie she watched from making her hurt in her sleep. And Tim who thinks a $4 playground ball is the best birthday present ever. And Reuben who, at 13, loves his baby sister more than anything and wants to see her first upon waking and coming home. And Amy, who wants to be the official babysitter for ward choir, and at 8 years old is printing up coloring pages from the Friend website for her little charges. And Audrey who loves her mommy run preschool so much that she wants to do it every day. And Emmeline who brightens every day with her exploding grin and irresistable huggability. They are worth it all!