Wednesday, November 2, 2016

My Thoughts on the World Series

It's the bottom of the 9th inning and the game is tied.  Cubs vs. Indians.  At least, I think that's what those numbers and images on the tv mean.  I'm not sticking around to find out, because my computer just almost died, so I had to go plug it in. And I wasn't watching the game anyway.  It just happened to be on in the room I was in.  I've never watched the Cubs play- or the Indians. I've seen a few Orioles games when I lived in Baltimore and some Bees games.  It was okay.  I didn't hate it.  That's actually pretty high praise from me.  I don't like watching strangers play sports.  I don't even like to watch my own college team.  I mean, I did it a bit in college, just so I wouldn't appear too strange.  But, mostly, I worked at the games selling concessions and then left after halftime when we closed the stand down.  I didn't stay for the games. My husband made me go to 2 seasons of BYU football- or was it three?  I think it was three- year one of marriage, year two( with a brand new baby), and year three ( with a wiggly toddler). By the next fall we had moved to Baltimore, so he made me go to Orioles games.  Maybe I never gave any of it a real chance, but I just don't have the chemicals in my brain to be a fan.

Okay, so I strayed a bit off topic. I'm supposed to be telling you what I think about the World Series.

I think it is very exciting . .




And I'm very happy for them- all of them ( and possibly you) who are excited by this.  I'm especially happy for whichever team gets the victory.  It could be over by now.  I don't know, since I left the room at the bottom of the 9th in a tied game.  It might be over.  Anyway, I'm happy for you people with the brain chemistry that allows you to get excited about these things.  It must be thrilling.

It must feel like . . . watching a great symphony?


Okay, how about the thrill when your baby is born?


Um, how about when you almost get hit by a car, but you don't, so you're glad you didn't die?

Or, when you ace a test?

Am I getting any warmer?

How about that feeling when you are watching a really great sports movie and the underdogs win?
Okay, I actually like those movies.  I find myself caring about the fake people.  I don't care about the sports, but I care about the people, and they care about the sports, so I care about the sports.  And when the movie is based on a true story, I think that is the closest I come to understanding why people like watching sports in real life.

I just can't seem to find a team I care about in real life though. I would need to care about them as people, in a personal way, preferably with good music at key life moments. And it's way too much work in real life. Movies are so much easier.

So, I don't care about the World Series.

But, I am happy for those of you who are having a good time watching.

And, just maybe, if they make it into a movie one day, I might cry at the end.  But, in the meantime, I have to admit that, well, the NOT caring, it feels REALLY good. Cause, no matter what is happening right now, I'm happy.  How about you?