In the meantime, I'm reminiscing a little about the year we've just left behind. My mom was telling me all the great things she accomplished last year, despite being in pain from various physical ailments the entire year and not being able to drive her car due to pain. At first I though to myself, " I haven't done anything of that magnitude." But, then I stopped and thought some more and realized that I did have a pretty eventful 2011.
Here is my list of personal accomplishments, interesting experiences, and highlights this year:
*E.R., O.R. for Emmeline's swallowed wire, followed by the baby cage and a few months of severe paranoia
* Took 80 dollars, lots of volunteers and donations and threw the Buckaroo Banquet (Blue and Gold Banquet) and cake auction
* Entered and won the Provo Freedom Festival Baby Contest. Okay, the baby won, but I did all the work.
*Dug up my parking strip, much to the alarm of my neighbors. Planted lots of flowers and won over the neighbors by the end of the summer. I can't wait to see the 160 bulbs come up in the Spring!
*Suffered broken glasses in February and December.
*Went to the Shakespeare Festival for the first time
*Visited my beloved Texas
*"Encouraged" my children to enter 11 Reflections entries without employing any form of violence.
*Council Reflections Chair- ongoing- award ceremony this week. Why did I sign up for this?
*Started a co-op preschool with my friend for our 4 year olds and found out that I love it!
*Got braces. Didn't chew anything harder than a banana for the first two months. Doing better now.
*Read about a gazillion books. Okay, I don't know how many books I have read, but it is probably more than 50 and less than 200.
*Joined a quilt block class in September. We make one block a month. So far I've made about 12. I don't even own a sewing machine, so this is a big stretch for me.
* Swept the floor at least 365 times.
* Ran the dishwasher approximately 700 times. I love you Kitchenaid!
* Baked a lot. A whole lot. A really big and seriously whole lot of bread product.
*Personally washed and dried something like 400 loads of laundry. Even typing that makes me feel tired.
* Wrote a lot of really cool blog entries. If you are reading this, you probably know what I mean.
*got released as Cubmaster and put in as Activity Days Leader.
*Did a lot of driving to voice lessons, dance lessons, soccer stuff. Also got out of a lot of driving to choir and soccer and voice thanks to sweet carpooling!
*Didn't gain any weight. I might have lost some weight. Thank you "Jaw Problem".
* Welcomed 2 new nieces and one new nephew into the world. I now have 31 nieces and nephews.
*continued the good habit of walking most M-F's for 3 miles with my friend
*coined a new phrased- Juddunk. It means Junk belonging to Judd. Do not forget this important word.
*went to church almost every week. I think I missed one time. I think I deserve a prize for taking all those kids to sacrament that many times. I think you owe me a prize. There is no logic in me assigning this to you- I just want a prize.
And I even petted a Sting Ray |