I just love the power of blogging. I can write whatever I want and put it out into the world and nobody can stop me! Muhahahaha!!!!! POWER! Ok, I am working on a couple of other blogs right now, but what I want to share right now is a quick little post about 10 random factoids about me. Those who know me well probably know these things about me already, but there might be a surprise or two.
1. I have never ever ever in my entire life watched the Super Bowl. I have also never ever ever ever in my entire life watched sports on Sunday. I am not sorry. My life dream is for the Super Bowl to happen and for me to not even know it happened.
2. I didn't go to High School, not physically. I was home-schooled because we lived in Russia and my parents couldn't afford the private school tuition for 4 kids. I went to college (BYU) a year early without having finished high school and, after my first year, transferred college credits back to finish my high school diploma. I only needed a couple of electives, so it was no big deal, but it's fun to say that I graduated from high school after my first year of college.
3. I have hyper-mobile ligaments. This means that many of the ligaments in my body are too stretchy and allow me to move in some ways that most people can't. You can see this most clearly when I bend my pinkies all the way back to touch the back of my hand or when I open my mouth really big. I once put around 68 large green grapes in my mouth. I can also stand on the sides of my feet with my legs completely straight.
4. I have a burning desire to get published, probably in a magazine. I'm starting to think about getting really serious about pursuing this, including a lot of writing and probably some classes.
5. I come across as outgoing, bold, opinionated, loud, and funny. I am those things. But, I am also a recovering shy person. I force myself to be outgoing. When I was a child I wouldn't call my best friend on the phone. I was so scared of bothering her and annoying her if she didn't want to talk to me. As an adult I took a job as a telemarketer to help me get over my "phonophobia". It actually helped. I cried every day for the three months I worked that job, but I was really good at it, a top seller. Afterwards, it was much easier to call people I know. But, I still prefer to text or email. I love talking on the phone. I just don't love initiating the call.
6. I love my hair color and I like my face just the way it is. Other than a temporary dye for Halloween, and the failed attempt at a purple streak last year, my hair has always been a natural color- dark brown. And I like it that way. I like my eyes, my eyebrows, my chubby cheeks, my skin, and my nose. I like my face without makeup. Other than occasional lipstick and daily moisturizer, I don't put anything on my face. I'm sure I could look great with a full makeup job, but I don't care. I don't mind that I have short eyelashes- at least they are black. I hate mascara. I love myself with my glasses and without them. I realize that while I'm not stunningly beautiful, God gave me a pretty good face and I'm grateful.
7. I think that mixing mint, chocolate, and raspberry is a SIN! Ok, not a sin, but disgusting. I was never exposed to this until I moved to Utah and it is just wrong! Stop it people!!!!
8. I love cooking, but I hate cleaning.
9. I love gardening. It burns calories, I get to play in the dirt, and the children don't destroy my work every two hours. Planting something and then watching it bloom or harvesting fruits or vegetables is seriously so exciting for me. It might be nerdy, but I'm owning this gardening passion.
10. My sense of integrity is probably pretty annoying, but it's who I am. I am not 100% perfect, but I can only think of a couple of times in my life that I withheld information from my parents. I just don't believe in lying or deceiving. I'm not about to go around telling people they are fat or ugly, but I won't ever tell a lie to protect myself from looking stupid or getting in trouble. I will keep my mouth shut if I feel like my opinion is not valued or to avoid a fight, but if you ask me to my face, I will always tell the truth straight up. I can't be another way. It matters too much to me to be true.
Ok, well, those are the random factoids that came to mind today. What are some random facts about you?