Thursday, January 8, 2015

My Favorite Things

I was enjoying using something today and I thought, "This is one of my favorite things.  People who don't know about these NEED to know!"

So, I'm telling you.  Warning: If you don't already own these things, you might want to buy them.

This post will be entirely about material belongings. Yep, it's about STUFF.  I have a lot of stuff, but I'm not really overly attached to most of it.  But, I do have some items that I really like.

Here are 10 of my favorite things, in no particular order:

1. Bosch Mixer.

About 9 years ago I borrowed my mom's Bosch Mixer because I had the rolls assignment for Thanksgiving. Everything was going fine until it jumped off the counter. The load was unbalanced so it wiggled.  It just kept mixing.  It still mixes just fine today.  It is very old- at least 20 years I think. Anyway, I saved up my money for years to buy my own, and then my husband bought me one for Mother's Day about 8 years ago.  It proudly occupies a permanent spot on my counter- my very limited counterspace.  I am a serious bread maker, and serious bread makers usually prefer Bosch.  It's big. It lasts.  It has a lid.  It can have all of the fancy attachments too, like a blender, food processor. . It's one of those items that you have to wash right away so it will be ready to use again that day or the next. Love it!

2. Blendtec blender

When I had my jaw surgery in September of 2012 we splurged and bought a Blendtec for $300. Ok, I like nice small kitchen appliances. This blender literally kept me alive for 8 weeks. It is amazing!  I can make the most incredible snow cone ice in about 30 seconds.  It can grind wheat, popcorn, nuts. . . you name it. And with a REAL 7 year warranty, it's worth the money.  I had to get a jar replaced.  I asked the girl how I could void my warranty. She said the only way would be to use the blender commercially. I said, "What if I accidentally drive over it?" She said it would be covered.  They sent me a new jar for free with no hassle.  Seriously, this blender rocks.  It also has to get washed right away so I can use it again soon.  I have used it over 1,000 times since I got it.  The proof is in the picture.

3. Grown up dustpan

If you are a grown up, why would you use a dustpan for midgets?  If you are a little person, I understand.  I have converted most of my family to tall dustpans. They have a handle so you don't have to bend over.  You may have seen them at movie theaters. They cost about $15 at Home Depot. I've had mine for about  9 years.  It hangs on a hook next to my broom.

4. Robot Vacuum

 While we are on the topic of sweeping, I must admit that I still love the robot vacuum I got a few months ago.  I hardly ever use my broom and dustpan now.  Not only does it clean my floor, but it forces us to pick up the toys and other stuff the kids throw on the floor.  Win, win.  They are pricey, but it was worth every single piano lesson that I taught to buy it. Now, my floor gets swept while I teach piano lessons . I named my robot vacuum Alice, and I love her!

5. First years baby spoons

My mom loves to eat with big spoons.  I love to eat with little spoons, especially little plastic spoons.  We have a set of baby spoons by  the First Years company.  It is just really pleasant to have that smooth plastic spoon and to savor every teeny tiny bite. Everyone in my family loves them too. Don't knock it til you try it.

6. My new smartphone

Um, this one should be self-explanatory.  This is like a modern day miracle in my life. Smart phones finally became cheap enough that it costs the same price as a stupid phone.  I am so seriously happy!

7. Chapstick

Ok, everyone has their vice, and mine is chapstick.  I am addicted.  I cannot live without it.  I couldn't lick my lips after my jaw surgery for 6 weeks at all and then I was still banded shut 20 hours a day for months and then 16 hours a day for many more months.  I still needed chapstick. There is no cure for this. My favorite lip addictions are Lip Smackers A&W, Bath and Body Works Mentha Shimmer Tint and Burt's Bees.  But, I'm not picky.  I will try and chapstick and I would go to the store in the middle of the night if I couldn't find any.

8. My piano

My piano is a Yamaha upright. My parents bought it a long time ago.  I'm not sure when, but I think I was around 8-10 years old when they got it, so it's something like 27-29 years old.  That piano was my first baby.  It has some dings from children, but I love it.  My parents gave it to me when I got married.  Having a real piano in your home just feels right, especially when someone plays it.  While I dream of owning a baby grand or grand piano one day, I don't think I could ever give this one up.  If my house burnt down while we were gone on vacation, that would probably be the item I would be the most upset about losing.

9. Electric toothbrush and dental floss

Ever since I started having mouth problems almost 5 years ago, I became rabid about oral hygiene. In fact, I became too rabid and somehow developed thrush at one point and then an allergy to mouthwash.  But, my electric toothbrush has stood by me through it all.  I'm so grateful for these simple items that help to keep my teeth clean.

10. My pillows and my minky

Last, but certainly not least, I LOVE my pillows.  I have a 100% down pillow and a memory foam pillow. Together they are perfection.   Actually, you have to add in my minky blanket and then you have perfection.  My friend Lori Gilgen gave me a minky blanket for an adult after I had my jaw surgery.  It is so soft.  That blanket truly became a security blanket for me.  Each night when I had to go to bed with my mouth banded shut I would put the blanket over me and pull up a corner to my cheek and let it comfort me.  It was physically painful to have my teeth banded shut and mentally scary.  That blanket got me through an entire year straight of sleeping with my mouth banded shut.  I still sleep with it every night.

What are some of your favorite things?

1 comment:

  1. I love my red kitchen aid mixer, my serger, my dustpan, and my ceiling fans.
