Sunday, August 14, 2016

Where Love is, There God is Also

I blogged about music a few months ago, but I'd like to write something more specific and personal about a positive example of music influencing my life.

When I was a little girl, my siblings and I sang a song for a ward event.  I think it might have been a talent show, but I'm not certain. My early childhood memories flit about like cotton candy loose on the wind, and I can't always remember the details.  I remember singing with my oldest sister Rachael, older brother Michael, and my older sister Sarah.  I don't remember if my younger brothers were old enough to participate or not.  We went to a ward member's house to practice because she was playing the piano for us.  The song was called,"Where Love Is." It can be found in the Primary Children's Songbook on page 138. While I can't remember all of the details, I have never forgotten what truly matters.

I have never forgotten the way I felt.  I was very young, but I felt the Spirit so strongly.  It was embedded in my heart the entire time we were singing.  I believed the words of that song.  I felt safe in my family.  I felt love. I felt the love of my family.  I felt God's love.

I have never forgotten the words.

  1. 1. Where love is, there God is also.
    Where love is, we want to be.
    Guide us, his truths to follow
    Help us obey him faithfully
  2. 2. Where love is, there God is also.
    We think of him rev'rently.
    Teach us to pray, to talk with him above
    And know that he will guide us with his love.
  3. 3. The comfort of loving arms around us,
    A song that makes us want to sing,
    The happiness we feel when love has found us,
    'Tis love we get when love we bring.
  4. 4. Where love is, there God is also.
    And with him we want to be.
    Show us the way and guide us tenderly
    That we may dwell with him eternally.
  5. Words: Joanne Bushman Doxey, b. 1932, and Norma B. Smith, b. 1923
    Music: Joanne Bushman Doxey, b. 1932, and Marjorie Castleton Kjar, b. 1927(c) 1972 by Joanne Bushman Doxey and Marjorie Castleton Kjar. Arr. (c) 1989 IRI.
I have never forgotten this tender lullaby of a child,singing to her parents, asking to be shown the way.  I have never forgotten the sweet whisper of the Spirit telling me that I had goodly parents who were doing these things, showing me, guiding me, teaching me to pray, to know His teachings, and to follow him.  

Music is so powerful. When we hear music, the message bypasses any defenses we might have set up, and it settles in our hearts and minds, as "Where Love Is" settled into my heart. It stayed there and has been a frequent comfort to me.  I will be eternally grateful to my parents for making my childhood home one where good music filled the rooms and soaked into the walls.  I hope I am succeeding in doing the same for my precious charges. 

If you'd like to hear the song I've been writing about, click on the link below to hear a fantastic rendition by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. 
Where Love Is

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