Thursday, February 3, 2011

Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day is big around here.  Yep, we actually celebrate it, even when that stinking hog sees his shadow most of the time.  We watched Punxatawney Phil yesterday from the comfort of our home and now I know for sure that it isn't worth going to Punxatawney.  Those men in tuxedos tried to be funny and dramatic, but they were just silly.  Sorry guys in the tuxedos, but it's true.  Anyway, because of our schedules we will be having our traditional Groundhog Day meal tomorrow.  Picture round face pancakes with little ears, covered in whipped cream and chocolate chips.  We'll throw in some raw veggies for groundhog feed and call it healthy. We used to do a Groundhog Day letter instead of a Christmas letter, and we didn't do one, so I'm going to do a quick update here of each person. 

Judd- He is still a self-employed attorney, but enjoys sharing an office suite with his cousin Bion. Judd spends a lot of his time in warmer months coaching the boys' soccer team and serving on the AYSO soccer league board.  He also coached coached a summer select competition team, which was a a lot of work but really fun for them all.  Right now at church he is the assistant financial clerk and a counselor in the stake Sunday School presidency. 

Becky-I've spent most of this last year trying to keep Emmeline safe.  But, I've also spent way too much time on facebook and way too much time cleaning.  I just read that if you spend 8 minutes a day cleaning something you will spend 2 entire days of the year doing that task. I am thinking of ways to reduce my cleaning time, mostly they involve increasing the cleaning time of others.  I'm still the cubmaster at church, and one of the crazy ladies who walks at 5:55 in the morning- in all weather.  We did come home early the day we had a thunderstorm and painful hail.  The biggest joy of this last year has been spending time with my kids and relishing having an adorable baby. The biggest trial has been my mouth/jaw going haywire and being in chronic pain for the last 7+ months. 

Reuben (12)- Reuben plays soccer, but swears he is secretly a baseball pro, even though he's never played.  We're considering letting him try out to shatter his dreams so he will stop nagging us.  His current career aspiration is to be a demolitions expert, but he says he has a strange feeling he is going to be a music composer, even though he doesn't want to be one.  He takes voice lessons and recently joined the Janeen Brady Children's Choir, by gentle force.  He loves being in scouts and young men's at church.  He is the best big brother and a fabulous babysitter. 

Timothy(10)- Timothy also plays soccer and loves having his Dad for a coach.  He is active in scouts and has been begging us to buy him a violin and get him lessons.  Timothy still plans to be a builder when he grows up.  His favorite activities, besides computer games and Wii, are playing board games with the family and teasing his sisters. He claims to be the second most popular kid in his class, "Because all of the girls with blond hair, except one, have a crush on me."  He also claims to be the best four square player in his grade, the fastest runner, and the second best at math in his class.  We might have a pride problem going on here. 

Amy(7)- Amy loves school and loves being a little grown up.  The things that come out of her mouth never cease to amaze us.  The other day she told us that she though moving to Texas was a good idea because it would increase her chances of getting into BYU if she applies from out of state.  Amy loves reading, dance class, and helping me. She is really excited to get baptized in June.

Clara(5)- Clara has surprised us all by being a model student in Kindergarten.  She saves her true energy for me.  She adores her dance class and is showing some amazing propensity at both dance and cheerleading.  She is still a little confused about how cheers work. The last one went like this" M-O-M-M-Y! Gooooo Ice Wizards!!"  Clara loves playing with her sisters and her friends and saying hilarious things for me to post on facebook.

Audrey (3)- Audrey is our little split personality child.  When Clara is at school Audrey is calm and easy to handle.  When Clara comes home, they become the dynamic duo of destruction.  Audrey loves her dance class, especially sashaying.  She is our most obedient child and always brushes her teeth and puts on her p.j.'s as soon as I ask.  When she grows up she is going to be a fairy or a pony or a baby.

Emmeline(8 months)- Emmeline is perfect, chubby, and adorable!  We have loves having her in our home.  She is learning everything the way a baby should and is bound to walk before she turns one. She loves to play, eat big people food, cuddle with mommy and daddy, and eat foreign objects.  Her new nickname is Roomba.  She also gets called Lemon Lime and Liner Liner 49er.  I don't know why.  Her luscious locks of hair never fell out and she is ready for her second haircut!

Well, that's all.  Here are a few photos from yesterday. Enjoy!


  1. Amy never ceased to amaze me in Primary with the things she's says. She is wise beyond her years. Already preparing for college and she's only 7. Amazing little girl.

  2. How cute is her little groundhog ears hair?!! Your family is truly handsome all around.

  3. Sounds like all is as well as it seemed Friday! We had tons of fun and I think Matt might have dreamed about Battle Beasts. I'm not for sure, I'm just saying.
