Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Reuben Missionary Questionairre

For FHE last week, Emmeline and I prepared a questionnaire about Reuben for each person to fill out.  Some answers were silly and some were serious, but I'd like to preserve them.  This blog entry isn't one I plan to promote on my facebook page or tag so that people will find it in Google searches, but, if you are here, and you are interested, go ahead and read it.  For Reuben, the last few questions were about Emmeline, like, "What is your favorite memory about Emmeline?" So, remember that when you read his answers.  In order to remain authentic, I am usually keeping the same spelling and punctuation that each person used.

When will Reuben get his mission call?

Dad- May 12th- of Course
Mom- April 1st
Reuben- April 1
Tim-February 39th to the square root of 2084 -4 X 19.78 + 1032
Amy- May 3rd
Clara- July 12
Audrey- June 4th
Emmeline-April 3rd

Where will Reuben go on his mission?

Dad-Dallas, Texas
Mom- Canada- Quebec
Tim- somewhere outside of Utah with lots of people
Amy- Madagascar
Clara- Nevvada
Audrey- Missouri
Emmeline- Idaho

When will Reuben leave to go on his mission?

Dad- July 19th
Mom- July 12th
Reuben- When I do
Tim- when he gets over breaking up with his bed.
Amy-June 16th
Clara-August 21
Audrey- July 21
Emmeline-August 10th

Where do you think Reuben WANTS to go on his mission?

Dad- Baltimore, MD, French Speaking
Mom- France
Reuben- [answer illegible] (intentionally)
Tim- Maybe the mattress store, or someplace where everyone is nocturnal
Amy- Somewhere in the U.S, French speaking
Audrey- France, China, stay here
Emmeline- He wants to stay here or France

What is your favorite memory of your brother Reuben?

Dad- Watching him run around a chair, singing I am a child of god, until he passes out.
Mom- Reading stories together when he was a baby.
Reuben- In memory of my sister Emmeline.  May her memory last forever in our hearts.
Tim- having him tell me to go away in the school library
Amy- Going on the cruise and stuffing ourselves with ice cream
Clara-I like when he went to the church and we played dart guns and donuts!
Audrey-when he held me as a baby
Emmeline- Severle( Several)

What do you want to do with our family before Reuben leaves?

Dad- Family night activity- everyone turns the doorknob 4 times before closing the door. Visit animals at the animal shelter- Kitty City.
Mom- campfire somehow, somewhere.  baptism temple trip.  eat crepes.
Reuben- Nothing in particular. . . .
Tim- have a sleeping party
Amy- . . . maybe have a legit water fight, like with balloons, or maybe a marshmallow fight.  Or both.  Or laser tag.
Clara- I want Reuben to fall in love!
Audrey- have a huge birthday party for all the birthdays he will miss
Emmeline- go swimming and ice skating

What will you miss about Reuben when he is gone?

Dad- His voice. :)
Mom- having him burst into song at any random moment, like when he is loading the DW and hearing him play the piano.  seeing him interact with Lemon. ( Emmeline)
Reuben- Chasing Midge ( Emmeline) around like a monster.
Tim- him complaining about people trying to give us rides home.
Amy- I will miss his teasing, and teasing back.
Clara- He will not be here to babysit, so we can't do stuff and NOT be watched!
Audrey- I will miss how he was so picky and when he chased me and Emmeline and said he was an ostrich.  The last thing I will miss is ROOSTER.
Emmeline- everything

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