Monday, August 8, 2011

Pet Peevalisciousness

I haven't had a really good rant lately, so at the risk of alienating people who become offended by what I have to say, I think it's about time for some pet peeve purging.  Things that bother me, at least today:

1. School starting in August.  This is wrong.  It is wrong, wrong, wrong and should be stopped!
2. My teeth. 
3. Morning glory
4. The strange feeling I have that every 2nd or 3rd day is somehow magically Sunday again. 
5. the Bountiful Basket website not working.  I NEED my fruits and veggies!
6. Fruit that gets moldy before it gets ripe.  Another major WRONG in the world.
7. Money. 
8. Junior High.  All junior high schools should be burned to the ground.  They are wrong.  They are evil and a terrible cesspool of filthy nasty mean children who want to destroy my child's life. My child is not nasty and mean, nor are all of the children nasty and mean, just enough of them to be the poo that ruins the brownie.
9. The disease my children have that causes them to shirk work of all kinds and miss the laundry basket with stunning accuracy. 
10. People who read my blog, but don't leave a comment telling me how GREAT I AM! Okay, I'm just kidding about this one, but I do like comments.  Feed my ego people. please.
11. 80's music.  I HATE IT. I know, hate is a strong word, and this time I really mean it!  I can sense 80's music from a mile away.  I do not have to know anything about it to KNOW that it is 80's music.  It disturbs me on a molecular level.
12. food being eaten in a way that allows me to see and or hear it after it enters the mouth due to the mouth being open.  Gross.
13. library books that fall apart when I read them and the librarians who have no pity.
14. my kangaroo pouch
15. government waste. Most types of waste actually
16. housework
17. Sports.  Can I get a break from them please?  They NEVER STOP! Football, soccer, tennis, basketball, baseball, golf, underwater basket weaving.  I just do not understand the enjoyment people get out of watching a game, then watching the replays, then watching a show that talks about the game, then calling their family to talk about the game, then getting on the internet to read and chat about the game.  I know this is not a popular opinion.  I know I'm in the minority.  But, I would rather bathe in a vat of acid than watch an entire season of football or basketball.  It is soooo boring.  March Madness is named well, but I vote to change the Super Bowl to the Stupid Bowl, or the Great and Spacious Stadium.

Okay, that rant felt good, especially the last one.  My poor hubby especially doesn't understand that one. 
What are your pet peeves today?


  1. Haha... I agree with you on some of these. My husband completely falls into the last one for sure! But hey, it keeps him happy and I'm okay with it. I love the school my daughter will be going to for 7th grade this year. Actually it's the same school she's been at since 2nd grade. And they currently go through 8th grade. But I do understand how some kids are just "MEAN" and have NO RESPECT for others at all. It really is just sickening.

    And I had to laugh at your "Kangaroo pouch". You always have a great way with words that really makes things a little lighter and rather funny sometimes.

    So thanks for being you!! And I have "Housework" at the top of my list!!!

  2. My biggest pet peeve? People who hate 80's music! Haha, no just kidding. But seriously, that is the greatest decade of music ever. You must have been born a decade too late . . . or a decade too early. My 20 year old LOVES 80's music which is weird to me. It's just not normal to like your parent's music.

    Actually, my biggest pet peeve right now is people who continually run over/hit my mail box and ignore/deny/leave/all of the above. I think we've replaced it 3 times in the last 2 years! That's why it's cheap, ugly, dented and leaning at an 80 degree angle.

  3. i don't want to know what your kangaroo pouch is!

  4. I almost bought Judd some new baseball cards for his birthday. Then I came to my senses.

  5. Hahaha oh my gosh you're hilarious. And you are also SO GREAT! ;) My #1 pet peeve is people chewing with their mouth open. I don't like most 80's music but I do like some. Another pet peeve is stupid people.

  6. My pet peeve is picking up after my children who range from the ages of 19 years old all the way up to 28 years old. I hate it. Will I ever get a break? No because they make sure of it.
