I invented a new word! I love it! Well, I think it's a new word. I'd better go check.
Zero results on Google! Yes! It's mine. Mu haha!
Allow me to define my new word for you:
Penicillipet- an extremely low maintenance pet derived from very very very moldy food. It's alive!
How is it that nobody thought of this before? I don't know, but I'll tell you how I thought of it. This morning my husband mentioned to me that he removed a plastic bag from my car which contained a pepper slice that had turned moldy and had some nice milky colored juice swimming around in the bag.
"It's a Penicillipet!" I declared.
"What?" He turned to me with undisguised disgust.
" A Pencillipet! We could make millions. The investment would be minimal. Toss some old food scraps into a plastic bag, that costs like a penny, add moisture, seal it up, and let it grow!"
(More looks of disgust)
"We couldn't sell them online. I think it's illegal to mail mold. But, how about Farmer's Markets. We could even get the starter rotten food there. One penny investment. Sell it for 25 cents. That's a 2,400% profit! Oh man, we are going to be rich! Who wouldn't pay a quarter for a pet that you never have to feed. It grows all by itself. It never needs to be tended when you go on vacation. In fact, if you step on a rusty nail, you might be able to save your life with juice from your Penicillipet!"
" This is genius!"
Judd replied"Becky, are you feeling okay?"
"Yes, I'm feeling okay. I just INVENTED a word! I'm going to blog about this. Maybe now I will finally go viral and break free of my all time high post reading of 298 hits."
With patience, Judd replied,"Becky, it's unlikely that this bacterial post is going to go viral."
Dang it! But, I still think I'm on to something.
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