Thursday, May 7, 2015

What it Really Means to Be a Mom

What does it really means to be a mom, at least in my house, at least if you are me, mothering my children? Hang on. Wait.  I can't just start like that.  I'm tempted to have the rest of my blog be in Haiku.

Birth, mess, joy, sadness
intertwined , then untangled
but not in my heart

Ok, I stink at Haiku.  Instead, you, dear reader, are about the enjoy, a list. I love lists! (enter my evil cackle)  I wish I really could imbed that here. Hmm.  Um, I tried, but google doesn't want my evil laugh to live forever in cyberspace.

So, instead, you are going to get a list of 20 very random things about my kids, house, mothering, blah, blah, blah  Just us, not other people. Me, here, with these particular Pittslings.

1. My house is loud, except when it is not. That does happen.
2. My children rarely stop talking, unless I want them to talk, and then they become mutes.
3. Dinner conversation is guaranteed to contain vocabulary that the average 9th grader doesn't know, coming from the mouth of an atypical 9 year old, or maybe a 4 year old, or anybody.
4. If 6 of 8 people like dinner, it's a WINNER!
5. Among the children, and the childlike adult that sleeps next to me, the following foods are refused by one or more people:  eggs, milk, potatoes, noodles, chicken, beef, ham, turkey, hamburger, bacon, sausage, casseroles, nuts, canned fruit, most canned veggies, chocolate, oranges, squash, mushrooms, tomatoes. . . I think I'll stop there for your sake.
6.  Around here, screaming can mean pain, sadness or just happen because they like how it sounds.
7.  There's a lot of cuddling going on here, and a lot of sickness being spread through Emmeline. People, we really need to stop kissing her cheeks!
8. While my children do get sick a lot, we've never ever had a UTI, Influenza, Ringworm, Scurvy, or, um, give me a second here,.  .Dang, I can't think of anything else except stuff they've been immunized against.
9. We have dealt with roughly 5 million colds, fevers, coughs, warts, ticks, bee and wasp stings, cuts, burns, broken bones, dislocated elbows, chicken pox, strep throat, croup, pink eye, broken teeth, one set of braces and 5 to go, infected teeth, thrush, yeast infections, sprains, hives, stitches, ear infections, pneumonia, bronchiolitis, asthma, allergies, norovirus, acid reflux, acne, nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, sunburn, a hemangioma,  dandruff, eczema, athlete's foot, a febrile seizure, and three serious choking episodes-resulting in 2 calls to 911, one Heimlich maneuver, one ambulance transfer, and one surgery to remove a wire.  I'm sure I'm missing something, but you get the picture.  We go through a LOT of bandaids.
10. Every single time we have dinner, Audrey stands up on the bench. And I tell her to sit down every single time.  This must be good for developing patience.
11. I ring a triangle to call the kids to dinner.
12. Dinner is never quiet.
13. I can get my kids to eat just about anything in muffin form.  I think this is impressive considering all of the things they won't eat.
14. My girls walk home from school while reading books. Is this better or worse than doing the same thing with a phone?
15. None of my kids have phones.  ( not even the 16 or 14 year olds) and they aren't going to any time soon.  But, they do have kindles, so they can still rot their brains out.
16. My kids like school so much that most of them refuse to miss it for anything, including doctor appointments.  Or they refuse to miss because they think it is too important to miss.  I'm not sure how I got kids like this. I always thought missing a little school was the coolest thing EVER!
17. I have trained 4 of my 6 kids to do their own laundry and I'm working on the last 2.  They are so lucky.
18. My children once told me that hiking was so fun, they'd rather do that than go to Disneyland. OK!
19. The girls are rougher with each other than the boys have ever been.
20. They love to spend time with Grandma.

Ok, well, I'm exhausted, so you are probably in a coma after reading that.  Isn't parenthood great?  I'm serious.  Kids are so weird and so cool and you just never know what will happen next, like Clara writing a Cornstitution last night( a pony unicorn constitution lobbying for equal rights for the girls in her pony game at recess).  Happy Mother's Day Ya'll!

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